Events in 2022 (scroll down to read more about each event)
Events and Programs
HAHA held an online auction fundraiser with the donated services of McPherson Auction. February and March, 2022 -- HAHA members collected items for our upcoming fundraiser auction, sorted the items into lots, described, and photographed the items. What an enormous collection of treasures we have! March 15, 2022 -- The Auction went live online and bidding began. March 18, 2022 -- In-person Auction preview took place from 2 pm to 6 pm. March 19, 2022 -- In-person Auction preview took place from 10 am to 4 pm. March 19, 2022 -- The online bidding closed between 6-7:30 pm. A few bidding wars took place at the last minute, and a few people waited too long to raise their bids and lost out. March 20, 2022 -- Auction items were paid for and picked up between 10 am and 2 pm. Thanks to the generosity of community members who donated such wonderful items (art! Navajo rugs! clocks! antiques!) we raised over $8,000, which will help fund the Museum renovations that will begin this spring. Spring and Summer, 2022 -- HAHA is replacing the temporary staircase with a wider one with a landing, closing off the old stairwell, installing heating and plumbing and electricity in the west half of the Museum, and paneling the walls to match the east half. We are looking forward to finally getting this work done, which has been on hold during the pandemic. June 25, 2022 -- HAHA benefit rummage sale was held in conjunction with the Hermosa Town-wide sales. A number of folks drove a bit south of Hermosa to stop and browse, raising a bit more money for our building fund and helping a number of HAHA donors to clear out unneeded items. August 11-14, 2022 -- Custer County Fair. HAHA had a booth at the Fair with photos and displays about the 1940s and 1950s, featuring old magazine covers and stories, a WWII US Marine Corps uniform, a fancy dress and women's hats, and vintage kitchen items. We had local history books for sale as well as some greeting cards with drawings of the Hermosa Cemetery cannons and old barns/sheds found along Highway 79. October 31, 2022 -- Many community members stopped by for Trick-or-Treat on the HAHA Museum porch, and received a candy treat. We had a few jack-o-lanterns, other spooky decorations, and used the long tube (first used during the height of the COVID pandemic) to deliver candy from the Museum porch down to the parking lot where children waited with open treat bags. December 4, 2022 -- the HAHA Christmas Carnival returned after a pandemic break! The Carnival was held at the Hermosa Community Center (the old Trails West building at 122 Vilas Street). We had food and games. Santa Claus and Mrs. Claus were on hand to talk to the little ones and pose for photos. This event was for the Hermosa Community and was free and open to the public. 11 am to 2 pm, Sunday, December 4.
Monthly Member Meetings HAHA members meet at the Hermosa Library lower-level meeting room. We meet the second Monday of the month at 6:30, but sometimes change the meeting time and/or place to accommodate members' schedules. Check the schedule below, or our Facebook page, for monthly member meeting announcements.
New members are welcome! If you're interested in joining us, please send us your email address and ask to be included in the meeting invitations that are sent by email.
January 22, 2022 -- Member meeting and Annual Board Election was held at Windbreak House Retreat. February 14, 2022 -- Member meeting was held at the Hermosa Library lower-level meeting room. March 14, 2022 -- Member meeting held at the Hermosa Library lower-level meeting room. April 18, 2022 -- Member was held one week later than usual to accommodate members' schedules. May 16, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. (Rescheduled from May 9th due to some members being busy or out of town) June 13, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. July 11, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. August 8, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. September 12, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. October 10, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. November 14, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled. December 12, 2022 -- Member meeting scheduled.
HAHA Benefit Rummage Sale June 25, 2022 HAHA will hold a rummage sale in conjunction with the Hermosa town-wide sale on June 25th. Gently used kitchen items, household goods, bedding, clothes and shoes. Decorations and Christmas items. New medical supplies. Secondhand books.
We will also have new books available by local author Linda M. Hasselstrom (nonfiction and poetry) and local history books by Lilah Pengra. Get your autographed copies for yourself or as a gift.
Rummage Sale Location: 5.5 miles south of Hermosa on Highway 79. 14245 Windbreak Road. Signs will be posted. Time: to be decided.
Stay tuned for photos of some of the goods.
Auction Memories. Going . . . going . . . gone!
Custer County Fair August 11-14, 2022 HAHA had a booth at the Custer County Fair with information about the 1940s, 50s, and 60s, featuring some of our old magazine collection donated by the Vickers's family. We also had a WWII Marine uniform donated by the Lintz family, a fancy dress from the 1950s on loan temporarily by Leta Campbell, and some vintage hats from the HAHA collection. The vintage kitchen items and old rotary-dial telephone were a hit with all ages.
We also had greeting cards (featuring historical buildings and the cemetery canons) and books about local history for sale.
During the County Fair we encourage folks to stop by to tell us about their family's history in the Hermosa community.