2018 Meeting Minutes, Hermosa Arts & History Association
January 13, 2018 --- Annual Meeting Minutes. Hermosa Arts and History Assn.
Members present: Delmar Clarke, Donna Evjen, Don and Maureen Christensen, Dan and Shelley Martin, John Preston, Fred Whiting, Tam Rogers, Lilah Pengra, Linda Hasselstrom, Jerry Ellerman, Bonnie Miller, Bert and Jerry Upton, Rick Mills, Jon and Candice Leigh, Beverly Groth
Members met for lunch 11:00 AM at Windbreak House, Windbreak Rd., Hermosa, SD. Meeting was called to order 12 noon by President John Preston, members stood and recited the "Museum Pledge of Allegiance"
Treasurers Report: Bert Upton read the report as follows: total in checking and savings is $9,922.85, petty cash $150, outstanding invoices $80 for chimney repair, sales tax $83.63, $350 extra calendars printing, possible $300 for sandblasting. Report was approved as written and accepted by voice vote. A copy of the entire report is attached as a printed copy (not electronically).
Minutes of November 2017 were approved as written and accepted by voice vote.
President's Report: John Preston expressed his appreciation of what this organization has accomplished during 2017 due to hard work, dedication, and cooperation of its members. "It's not what is on top, but what's underneath." Our members provide the foundation of our Association and it's a strong one. He thanked everyone who has contributed in one way or another.
Committee Service: John prefaced the election of Board of Directors and Officers with the caveat that everyone needs to serve on a Committee of the Association, as well as possibly be a Board member.
Election of Board of Directors and Officers: Delmar Clarke would like to step down as Vice President; Bert Upton would like to retire from Treasurer position.
Board nominations: John Preston, Linda Hasselstrom, Beverly Groth, Candice Leigh, Bonnie Miller, Fred Whiting, Maureen Christensen-declined, Bert Upton-declined, Dan Martin
Officer Election: Dan Martin - Treasurer, Donna Evjen - Secretary, VP - Linda Hasselstrom, President - John Preston Donna Evjen was added to the Board after officer election. [note: Leta Campbell replaced Dan Martin as Treasurer]
Bylaws: Per Fred Whiting, the Board of Directors votes on these; bylaws were accepted as written by the Board, and approved by voice vote.
Committee Reports
Building Committee: Facility Mgr, Dan Martin, members John Preston, Jerry Ellerman, Jerry Upton
Dan Martin reported that he has been working with a contractor on a door for the bottom of the brick chimney that remains on the east wall of the first floor--this door was for the original clean out of the chimney; also working with Rapid City contractor on sandblasting of this chimney. He will be receiving a $200 Thrivent contribution from Our Saviors Lutheran Pastor Deb Grismer along with volunteer work from the church's youth group(8th to 12th graders) to insulate the first floor east room as a service project,i.e.,the youth group gets the $200 from Thrivent for their volunteer work--they are earning money for a youth service trip summer 2018. Questions were raised about eye safety protection--Dan assures that he has already seen to this; ladders and scaffolding will be needed.
Elevator was discussed, Dan has been talking to a Sioux Falls company who has quoted $25,000 for an elevator that would reach our high ceiling; other local elevators only go shorter distances and Otis Elevator quoted $100,000 which is definitely out of our budget. Dan has been considering purchasing lumber for the stairs from Baker Timber in Hill City. Also considering log stair railings--question was raised as to style for the building to be maintained as close to its 1926 preservation mandate. Discussion followed and consensus was that State Historical Preservation Office needs to be consulted.
Dan was complimented on the concrete that was poured in front of the building.
Dan reported that Bernice Churchill of Fairburn recalled the story of the building's move to its present location in 1926. It took 34 horses to move it. Donna and Candice will interview Bernie to get the story as she remembers it. She is looking for an old picture of the move.
In Kind Committee: Kathy Svoboda is on this committee, she was not present for a report, but has indicated that all is in order--although she needs reports from Bob Phillips, Donna Evjen, Jared Rittberger and Lilah Pengra for their inkind hours for Storytellers in Oct. 2017
Curatorial Committee: members Bonnie Miller, Rick Mills, Donna Evjen, Linda Hasselstrom, Candice Leigh; no report
Arts Committee: members Don Christensen, Maureen Christensen, Deb Patterson, Polly Preston, Nancy Trautman, Beverly Grothe. Don reported that they have some ideas for 2018 events and will have more details to report in the next few months.
Grants: members Candice Leigh and Rick Mills. Candice went over a list of grants applied for in 2017: "Collections Assessment for Preservation" - awarded $7,800 for professional assessment of collections and historic building; "Service Dollars Award - awarded $600 by ZONTA for preservation materials for women's collection of documents, photographs, archives; "Quality of Life Grant" - $4,173 denied for software and hardware to preserve collection and make it available to the public--have applied to another source, waiting for reply; applying for following grants--waiting for an answer: "WalMart Foundation - award $2,500, unrestricted purpose; "US Federation of Friends of Museums - requested $1,500 for replacement of exterior Masonic symbols--questions were raised in regard to appropriate usage of these symbols--Rick Mills will go over this matter with local lodge officials to assure there is no conflict of usage on our building. "Mary Chilton DAR Foundation" - books, software and hardware to preserve collection and make it available to the public. There is $70 of grant money left to spend. Discussion followed on grant possibilities for a Past Perfect scanner, computer and hardware--trying for matching money grant or perhaps inkind requirements; Candice has submitted a grant request for a kiosk to show programs, pictures, stories, etc--it will take at least $5,000.
She and Dan have talked to a contractor about stucco repair and replacement in specific areas of the building--they are waiting for his bid and then will make a decision. There is a question if the roof and soffitts should be repaired before new stucco applied. Unresolved.
Candice discussed applying for grants in smaller increments, especially since larger grants are given with the understanding we are liable for contractor invoices as they come due, then we submit our grant request after payment of invoice--we do not have enough money on hand to do business this way for large projects. She also discussed leveraging grants against each other to improve timing and effect.
Missing in Action Committee; members Bonnie Miller, Shelley Martin Beverly Groth is talking to Elaine Phelps Richards--hopefully she will again become active, Tony Gallo is lost in action (Nellie Garrett Hermosa relative). Discussion about sending out more notices of events in Hermosa Newsletter, we are not charged for listing our activities; perhaps putting out flag signs out on Hwy 79 and in museum parking lot advertising events; increase ideas of ways to invite ,people to museum as a community gathering place.
Thank You Committee: Maureen Christensen Maureen will send out notes thanking Bridget and Wade Shorb for their donation of 1 year of free storage space at their facility in Hermosa; Maureen has sent thank you notes to Christmas Carnival supporters. Bert needs business ID number from Shorb's.
Publicity and Promotions: members Tam Rogers, Clara Zechin [note: also Rick Mills] There was a discussion of the non-profit organizations need list published every December by the Rapid City Journal--Clara had sent a list that should have been sent 12/17, due to unforeseen circumstances it wasn't sent, but will be in 2018. Correction: Clara would like to be removed from the Committee as she has too many responsibilities for her family. We will need someone to take over Clara's list of things needed by HAHA for Rapid City Journal's Annual Wish List of Donations to Area Non-Profits. Linda Hasselstrom presently has the list.
A discussion followed regarding best use of advertising dollars in various local publications. Rick Mills felt that a media release to RC Journal describing an event is the most cost-effective. Candice discussed a calendar of events for 2018. She has an idea to promote local authors at the museum, as well as promoting programs with Hermosa Elementary School. Beverly Groth will help.
Kitchen Committee: Bert Upton, Shelley Martin Bert needs the kitchen supplies out of the museum for future use, Dan Martin will help.
Garden Committee: Lisa Lloerzel, Bonnie Miller Lisa would like to resign for one year; Dan can set water on timer to sprinkle flowers, we need a designer and maintenance person in interim, Bonnie volunteered to help. [note: also Linda Hasselstrom] Last year's budget was $600. More will be decided on the garden in April.
OLD BUSINESS Discussion of Articles of Incorporation--Fred Whiting said they should be okay as they are. Bylaws discussion: need to file non-profit reports of 2015, 2016, 2017 to Secretary of State-- Fred Whiting will take care of this.
Candice discussed the 2018 photo calendar fundraiser. Original order was for 100 wall calendars@$15.00 and 10 desk calendars@$10.00. $683.15 was the most that could be realized. A second order was placed because of calendar's popularity. Ideas for next year would be to get photographers to compete for photography position to have their pictures used in the calendar; calendar should be ready by October 2018, mix it up with people and places within the area--old Grange building photographed before it falls down and Grange Picnic location picture, discussion of possible advertising on calendar, concentrate on wall calendar as sales of desk calendar was not as strong--committee will discuss these ideas.
Fundraisers: Discussion of liability for food served at our events; Fred Whiting said that our insurance states that we are not liable for illness due to food served.
John Preston asked that we suspend all fundraisers for at least 1 year due to overload. Discussion followed, it was decided to keep Hermosa Saturday Night and Christmas Carnival.
Clara Zechin would like to continue responsibility for the Brick Paver program.
Storytellers Event: Linda Hasselstom gave synopsis of recent years saying that event numbers have been dropping and it's getting more difficult to get people to participate. Discussion followed with consensus being that event be discontinued for 2018. Instead it was decided that Donna and Candice continue to interview Eastern Custer County residents via recording and written notes. Donna has a committment from Charles Meiners for a story and pictures, she will be helped by Candice and Jared Rittberger; Linda and Beverly will continue to help on these projects. There is presently a long list of prospective interviewees.
Christmas Carnival: Discussion of what went well and what needs to be improved. It was felt that attendance wasn't quite what it could have been--event advertising could have been better, we did make $1,000, Santa's Shop needs to be replenished--have adults responsible for this instead of kids, send reminder to previous vendors, use less space in large gym to improve vendor appearance--there were 24 vendors, we need to purchase tables for HAHA itself--too much work to haul in from other locations.
Building Handbook: Linda Hasselstrom has prepared a handbook for what to do in an emergency at the museum, i.e., how do you shut off the water, where is electrical panel, etc. Dan Martin will maintain and update. There are also instructions what to do for routine usage, i.e., lights, lock up, etc. Donna will type up the manual when Dan completes it.
Inventory: we need to maintain an inventory of everything that is in the museum--this is part of risk management
Website: who maintains it?
Filing of all museum records and business: Donna is sorting through all papers and files, she will organize and maintain for all to access. These are paper files, not electronic
Abandoned Cemetery Project: Lilah Pengra has amassed a large file of historical research about people who were buried in an early Hermosa Cemetery (which possibly was a homestead) but was abandoned in the early 1940's. Highland Cemetery was developed in 1887. The abandonment was officially recorded by the State of SD, but remaining records are sketchy. Acquisition of this area which lies directly to the east of Highland Cemetery would be nice as a long-range plan, but at present it is privately owned. The State Archeologist uncovered a number of unmarked graves and there were plans to study the area with ground-penetrating radar. These activities have been placed on hold as the owner is undecided on continuation of this project and has no plans to sell. Clara Zechin has also contributed a lot of research work on this project.
Goals for 2017 Furnace installation Acquire cemetery Kitchen and stairs renovation Acquire a curator Acquire computer software Renovate upstairs into a community room Increase Arts events
Goals for 2018 Increase active membership Complete 1st floor renovation Continue relationship with elementary school Continue working with Don Balyat on Civil War history as it pertains to us Develop a 5-year plan for improving stucco and other exterior improvements Security for building and contents
April Fundraiser: Rick Mills discussed the idea of our museum partnering with State Railroad Museum in Hill City in an April fundraiser. He has discussed this with their Board of Directors and they like the idea. It would be a combined music/meal event. RR museum has engaged Hank Harris (musician) to perform--we would combine his performance with a meal that we provide here in Hermosa, event would take place in large gym in elementary school; event would have a railroad theme--how Hermosa was created by coming of railroad and how it grew. It would be an afternoon event, silent auctions would be separate, use of period costume would be encouraged, with a "Best Costume" contest. Meeting attendees approved the idea, Rick will form a committee to plan this event.
John thanked Linda, Jerry, and Tam for hosting the Annual Meeting. It was agreed by all that it was another good meeting at Windbreak House with food and fellowship.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:20 PM. The next meeting will take place Monday, February 12, 2018, 6:30 PM at Hermosa Branch Library.