Mission Statement: Hermosa Arts & History Association (HAHA) is established for the following purposes:
The preservation of our local history;
The education of our youth; and
The promotion of visual, written, and performing arts in Hermosa.
Community involvement in all of these efforts.
HAHA's Long-Term Goals Hermosa Arts & History Association was organized in 1999 to preserve the area’s history and cultural resources. The acquisition of the former Hermosa School/Masonic Lodge building in 2000 accomplished several of the organization's initial goals, including a secure place to meet and a place to display materials and educate residents, students, and visitors about the community's unique history and culture.
The governing board and members of Hermosa Arts & History Association envision the Museum as a place where information, displays, speakers, performers, artists, and other forms of media and interpretation will tell the story of the area from all perspectives. Additionally, educational experiences and interactive youth support will occur in this environment and through outreach programs implemented for use in the local schools.
Further restoration and year-round utilization of the historic building-- listed on the National Register of Historic Places as the Hermosa Masonic Lodge (February 17, 2009)-- will allow ongoing interpretive and learning projects to take place in an edifice that has been an integral part of Hermosa's educational and organizational structure since 1889.
It is also a fond wish and goal of the Museum's Board members that new residents of the greater Hermosa Community will come to the facility to learn about the area, and with that understanding may find ways to more fully integrate their families and children into the rapidly expanding community. # # #
HAHA's Short-Term Goals At the beginning of each year, at the January member meeting, a new Board of Directors is elected, program committee memberships are renewed, and HAHA's annual goals are laid out.
These goals are discussed at each monthly member meeting and may be revised or expanded as circumstances change.